playing cards)符號牌組的傳統象徵圖像作為王牌花色,愚者通常被設計成小丑或吟遊詩人的形象,讓人聯想到標準52張撲克牌(英语:Standard52-carddeck)中經常附帶的鬼牌。 在萊德偉特塔羅牌之前的牌中,愚者幾乎總是沒有編號。但也有一些例外:某些古老的牌組(包括15世紀的索拉布斯卡塔羅牌(英语:Sola
460 (2005) interstate shipment of wine under the Dormant Commerce Clause Deck v. Missouri 544(英语:List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 544)
(原始内容存档于2020-01-06). Nintendo's First Proper Console Was So 80s It Had A Cassette Deck. [2017-10-07]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-14). Feature: Slipped Disk - The History
jab a knife in a boat's sail, ride down the sail, and land safely on the deck? Does an eyepatch help someone see in the dark? Are the splinters made by