生物多樣性生態系統崩潰 遺傳多樣性 生物多樣性文章索引(英语:Index of biodiversity articles) 生物多樣性國際日 昆明-蒙特利爾全球生物多樣性框架 超級生物多樣性國家同盟 土壤生物多樣性(英语:Soil biodiversity ) 物種多樣性 世界科學家對人類的警告(英语:World Scientists'
生物土壤结皮dynamics of bacteria among different biological soil crusts in the southeast Tengger Desert. Biodiversity Science. 2020-06-20, 28 (6): 718. doi:10.17520/biods
鬼针草of rhizosphere soil microorganisms and soil nutrients on competitiveness of Bidens pilosa with different native plants. Biodiversity Science. 2016, 24
球囊霉素相关土壤蛋白 diversity, dominant species importance, and soil properties on glomalin-related soil protein. Biodiversity Science. 2022-02-20, 30 (2): 21115. doi:10.17520/biods
植物-土壤反馈 Pan, Xiaoyun. Plant-soil feedbacks differ between native and introduced populations of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Biodiversity Science. 2023-03-20,