
Quick Facts 錫鱗蟲科, 科學分類 ...
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 環節動物門 Annelida
綱: 多毛綱 Polychaeta
目: 葉鬚蟲目 Phyllodocida
科: 錫鱗蟲科 Sigalionidae
Kinberg, 1856


  • Peisidicidae
  • Pholoidae
  • Pholoididae
  • Pisionidae



  • Anoplopisione Laubier, 1967
  • Claparedepelogenia Pettibone, 1997
  • Dayipsammolyce Pettibone, 1997
  • Ehlersileanira Pettibone, 1970
  • Eusthenelais McIntosh, 1876
  • Euthalanessa Darboux, 1899
  • Euthalenessa Darboux, 1899
  • Fimbriosthenelais Pettibone, 1971
  • Hartmanipsammolyce Pettibone, 1997
  • Haswellia Darboux, 1899
  • Heteropelogenia Pettibone, 1997
  • Horstileanira Pettibone, 1970
  • Imajimapholoe Pettibone, 1992
  • Labioleanira Pettibone, 1992
  • Labiosthenolepis Pettibone, 1992
  • Laubierpholoe Pettibone, 1992
  • Leanira Gunton, Kupriyanova, Alvestad, Avery, Blake, Biriukova, Böggemann, Borisova, Budaeva, Burghardt, Capa, Georgieva, Glasby, Hsueh, Hutchings, Jimi, Kongsrud, Langeneck, Meißner, Murray, Nikolic, Paxton, Ramos, Schulze, Sobczyk, Watson, Wiklund, Wilson, Zhadan & Zhang, 2021
  • Leanira Kinberg, 1856
  • Leanithalessa Hartmann-Schröder, 1965
  • Mayella Hartmann-Schröder, 1959
  • Metaxypsamma Wolf, 1986
  • Mustaquimsthenelais Wehe, 2007
  • Neoleanira Gunton, Kupriyanova, Alvestad, Avery, Blake, Biriukova, Böggemann, Borisova, Budaeva, Burghardt, Capa, Georgieva, Glasby, Hsueh, Hutchings, Jimi, Kongsrud, Langeneck, Meißner, Murray, Nikolic, Paxton, Ramos, Schulze, Sobczyk, Watson, Wiklund, Wilson, Zhadan & Zhang, 2021
  • Neoleanira Pettibone, 1970
  • Neopsammolyce Pettibone, 1997
  • Pelogenia Schmarda, 1861
  • Pholoe Johnston, 1839
  • Pholoides Pruvot, 1895
  • Pisione Grube, 1857
  • Pisionella Hartman, 1939
  • Pisionidens Aiyar & Alikunhi, 1943
  • Pottsipelogenia Pettibone, 1997
  • Psammolyce Kinberg, 1856
  • 錫鱗蟲屬 Sigalion Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1832
  • Sthenelais Kinberg, 1856
  • Sthenelanella Moore, 1910
  • Sthenolepis Willey, 1905
  • Taylorpholoe Pettibone, 1992
  • Willeysthenelais Pettibone, 1971


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