Caesar Bruner" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), c. 1958, Seminole Nation of Oklahoma website Seminole and Black Seminole genealogical records (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Freepages
絲卡(Francesca)和妹妹潔達(Jada);潔達和雅茲敏一樣是足球員,目前就讀奧克拉荷馬塞米諾爾州立大學(英语:SeminoleStateCollege (Oklahoma))。 萊恩曾就讀北諾曼高中(英语:Norman North High School)。她加入的第一支青年足球俱樂部是諾曼凱爾特人(Norman
Roberts. New York Times. 2005-07-27 [2009-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-14). SEMINOLE TRIBE v. FLORIDA (1996) In this seemingly technical 11th Amendment dispute
mandated by Fourteenth Amendment Due Process in cases of civil forfeiture Seminole Tribe v. Florida 517(英语:List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume