Royal (University of Baltimore/MICA))是巴爾的摩輕軌的車站之一,三條路線的班車皆有停靠。本站無免費停車場,本站可轉乘馬里蘭運輸局第27路公車, 位置在霍華街隧道北口的東邊。 本站位於巴爾的摩大學校園的西北端,馬里蘭藝術學院(Maryland Institute College
Neurology Instituteof Ophthalmology Royal Free and University College Medical School School of Slavonic and East European Studies Slade School of Fine Art 伦敦都會大学(London
ISBN 978-0971196629. Conrad Shawcross RA Elect. Royal Academy of Arts. [2023-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-05-04). Rising star ofart world commissioned by the Crick to create