(原始内容存档于2020-03-17). President Trump Makes Remarks atthe Liberty University Commencement Ceremony. The White House. 2017-05-13 [2017-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-08)
Singapore: The Golden Hoard Press 2007) ISBN 978-0-9547639-2-3 Thorogood, Alan (ed.), Frederick Hockley (transcribed), ThePauline Art of Solomon (York Beach, ME:
(原始内容存档于5 September 2008). One of the victims... Sujeewa Kamalasuriya, 39, was snorkelling at a beach south of Colombo when the tsunami struck.. ABC News. 29
director Brian De Palma. Reviewing Sisters, Pauline Kael observed that its "limp technique doesn't seem to matter to the people who want their gratuitous gore