社會革新和公民參與辦公室(Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation) 衛生改革辦公室(英语:White House OfficeofHealth Reform)(OfficeofHealth Reform) 农村委员会(英语:White House Rural Council)
乡村发展副部长(英语:Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development)所屬機構 国家农村发展伙伴关系(英语:National Rural Development Partnership) 乡村发展委员会(英语:National Rural Development Council)
醫療事務辦公室(OfficeofHealth Affairs,OHA) 醫療事務辦公室:由首席醫療官(Chief Medical Officer)擔任主管,目前擁有醫療事務助理部長兼首席醫療官的職銜(the title of Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs
shift to rural areas, posing new challenges. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy(英语:Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy). 2019-10-04