關的詞,似乎存在於所有現代人類社會中:房屋、名字、繩索、綁。 以下根據詞彙在各語言中的穩定性排序列出表上所有詞彙: 1. 火 fire 2. 鼻 nose 3. 去 to go 4. 水 water 5. 口 mouth 6. 舌 tongue 7. 血 blood 8. 骨 bone 9. 你 pronoun
discrimination mechanisms in the mammalian olfactory system using a model nose. Nature. 1982, 299 (5881): 352–5. PMID 7110356. doi:10.1038/299352a0. Archived
known as a Theotokos of the Passion. Mary is depicted with a long slender nose, thin lips, and smoothly arched eyebrows, evidence of being made by a Greek