Drama of Recoupment: On the Mass Media Negotiation of Titanic: 29–45. 1999. In Sandler & Studlar (1999). Welkos, Robert W. The $200-Million Lesson of 'Titanic'
Efforts to find the body of Benjamin Guggenheim, who was the fifth of the seven Guggenheim brothers, as well as the bodies of other victims, will be made
Day 4 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Testimony of Frederick Fleet. TIP - United States Senate Inquiry - Day 4 - Testimony of Frederick Fleet, cont.. www.titanicinquiry
are sketches of a few of the well-known persons among the 1,300 passengers on the lost Titanic. The fate of most of them at this time is, of course, not
「婦女與孩童優先」準則在1860年威廉·道格拉斯·奧康納(英语:William D. O'Connor)所寫小說《哈靈頓:真愛的故事》(Harrington: A Story of True Love)中就已經存在,第一次有紀錄的使用是1840年5月,在紐約開往利哈佛的美籍郵船波蘭號上,因為被閃電擊中而起火。根據波士頓的乘客J