Bennett and Lady Gaga) Cinema Josh Conway, Marvin Figueroa, Josh Gudwin, Neal H Pogue and Ethan Shumaker,工程师;Joe LaPorta,母带工程师 (The Marías) Dawn Thomas Brenneck(英语:Thomas
);工程/混音:Bryce Bordone, Serban Ghenea(英语:Serban Ghenea) & Pat Kelly "You andMe on the Rock" – 布兰迪·卡莉(feat. Lucius(英语:Lucius (band))) 制作人:Dave Cobb(英语:Dave
Adele hints at new album after six years with subtle social media change. Rhyl Journal. [2021-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-11). McNeal, Bria. Adele Says Many