海軍電子戰部隊司令( Commander, Naval Information Forces)(NAVIFOR) 邁克爾·維納薩(英语:MichaelVernazza) 美國海軍 海軍潛艇部隊司令部司令(Commander, Submarines in the United States Navy)(COMSUBFOR)
doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2012.05.003. Bruzzone, Lorenzo; Cossu, Roberto; Vernazza, Gianni. Combining parametric and non-parametric algorithms for a partially
1177/002182869002100113. (原始内容存档于May 10, 2009). Foukal, P. V.; Mack, P. E.; Vernazza, J. E. The effect of sunspots and faculae on the solar constant. The Astrophysical