tb00525.x. David Grimaldi(英语:David Grimaldi (entomologist)) & MichaelS. Engel(英语:MichaelS. Engel). The paraneopteran orders. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge
112–120, 2016. 第115页 David A. Grimaldi(英语:David A. Grimaldi) & MichaelS. Engel(英语:MichaelS. Engel). The Paraneopteran Orders. Evolution of the Insects. Volume
(原始内容存档于2019-04-24). Grimaldi, David; Engel, MichaelS.; Engel, MichaelS. Evolution of the Insects – David Grimaldi, MichaelS. Engel – Google Books. 2005-05-16