發現一個保存狀態良好的海生魚類化石,顯示牠們可能進入鹹水區域獵食。在1995年,多倫多大學的Michael deBraga博士將化石敘述、命名為齊椎蜥。 deBraga, Michael; and Reisz, Robert R. A new diapsid reptile from the uppermost
Berman, DS, RR Reisz, D Scott, AC Henrici, SS Sumida & T Martens (2000), Early Permian bipedal reptile. Science 290: 969-972 Michael J. Benton Vertebrate
Berman, DS, RR Reisz, D Scott, AC Henrici, SS Sumida & T Martens (2000), Early Permian bipedal reptile. Science 290: 969-972 Michael J. Benton Vertebrate
(原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-10-24) –通过CORE. Sues, Hans-Dieter; Reisz, Robert R.; Hinic, Sanja; Raath, Michael A. On the skull of Massospondylus carinatus Owen, 1854