左派和右派的政治光譜(Left-Right political spectrum)是用於分類政治立場、意識形態和政黨的系統,強調由社會平等與社會階層著眼。左派和右派並非完全對立的看法,光譜上可能包含中間主義及溫和派。在不同背景下,两者主张的具体内容不会相同,不能以静态的“主义”或“阶级”划分。兩詞是相當廣泛的形容用語。
The Fulfillment ofParties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing (PDF). American Journal ofPolitical Science. 2017-07-01
Mohammadighalehtaki, Ariabarzan. Organisational Change in PoliticalParties in Iran after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. With Special Reference to the Islamic Republic
Europe's Center-Left Parties Stuck in a Dead End. Der Spiegel. 24 September 2009 [14 November 2009]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-24). Leftist partiesof the world. Nico