米兰五日of 1859. Philadelphia. 1859. Stearns , Peter N. 1848: the revolutionary tide in Europe. New York. 1974. Whittam, John . Politics of the Italian Army,
攻城戰2307/3106585. Sellman, R. R. Castles and Fortresses. Methuen. 1954. Stearns , Peter N. The Encyclopedia of World History: ancient, medieval, and modern
烏托邦 (電視劇) 薩莎·萊恩(英语:Sasha Lane) 飾 Jessica Hyde 雷恩·威爾森 飾 Michael Stearns 丹·拜德 飾 Ian Ackerman 科里·邁克·史密斯 飾 Thomas Christie 阿什利·萊思羅普(Ashleigh LaThrop)
依芙琳·葛蘭妮(1491–1547) John Wilmot (1647–1680) John Churchill (1650–1722) George Gordon (1788–1824) and William Wordsworth (1770–1850) Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888–1965)
方格螺属Cyclostrema tortuganum (Dall, 1927) Liotia tricarinata Stearns , 1872: synonym of Arene tricarinata (Stearns , 1872) Liotia trullata Dall, 1889: synonym of Arene