维基文库上的原始文献 维基教科书上的教科书和手册 维基学院上的学习资源 Fallout of the War from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives American Ethnography – On collecting engraved
开放目录项目中的“Socialism” 社会主义. 《互联网哲学百科全书》. Cuban Socialism from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives. Cole, G. D. H. Socialism. Encyclopædia
March/April 2006 First Strike and Mutual Deterrence from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Herman Kahn's Doomsday
compared with placebo controls, in the short term.22 Storebø OJ, Ramstad E, Krogh HB, Nilausen TD, Skoog M, Holmskov M, et al. Methylphenidate for children