。一个月后,在墨尔本国际田径联合会大奖赛(英语:IAAFGrandPrix Final)总决赛她把成绩提高到71.71米并获得冠军, 创下新的波兰国家纪录。2002年,她在欧洲田径锦标赛上以72.46米的成绩夺得银牌,这是她在奥运会后取得的第一枚奖牌。赛季末,她在马德里2002年世界杯田径赛(英语:2002 IAAF World
Tranche of 24 Taekwondo Athletes Earn Berths to Rio Olympics On Day 2 of GrandPrix Final, Egypt, Iran, China and Korea Grab Golds. World Taekwondo Federation
course according to IAAF rule 260.28 X = annulled due to doping violation OT = oversized track (> 200m in circumference) 81.27m by IAAF profile, 81.29m by