國民健康保險 奈及利亞的醫療衛生(英语:Healthcare in Nigeria)-國家健康保險計劃(NHIS) 荷蘭的醫療衛生(英语:Health care in the Netherlands ) 菲律賓的醫療衛生(英语:Healthcare in the Philippines)
全民医保 全民医保(英語:Universal healthcare/Universal health coverage/Universal coverage/Universal care )是一種為特定國家或地區,確保所有居民都能獲得醫療衛生照護的系統。它的終極目標是為所有居民,或者針對那些缺乏經濟能力者提供醫療衛生服務,改善民眾的健康。
医生 Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine. (2000). To Err is Human: Building A Safer Health System. National Academies
海洛因for Cancer, (UK). Opioids in Palliative Care : Safe and Effective Prescribing of Strong Opioids for Pain in Palliative Care of Adults. May 2012. PMID 23285502
自慰Health (Springer Netherlands ). 1985-06, 24 (2): 133–146 [2011-11-12]. ISSN 0022-4197. doi:10.1007/BF01532257. (原始内容存档于2021-04-05). Social change in attitudes