陨坑中心,环绕的侧壁高出周边月表490米。该陨坑的反照率明显高于周围环境,一道低矮的山脊将它与西北的麦奇生环形山连接在一起。 McSween, Harry Y. Meteorites and Their Parent Planets 2. Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge University
future in Harry Potter – until knife crime snuffed it out. The Telegraph. 2023-02-23 [2023-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-05) (英国英语). Feltbeats-Time isn't healing
Routledge. 2016. ISBN 9781138948785. doi:10.4324/9781315645612. Hollien, Harry; Moore, Paul; Wendahl, Ronald W.; Michel, John F. On the Nature of Vocal Fry