Then There Was Television The Beatles in Love 2007年5月8日开始播出 Gilbert and George(英语:Gilbert and George) - No Surrender 古斯塔夫·克林姆 - Stealing Klimt Scott Walker(英语:Scott
民国断交暨中华人民共和国與美國關係正常化並建交,但美國繼續支持國民黨政权如對台軍售直至民主化為止。 Chase, Michelle. Grandin, Greg, & Joseph, Gilbert M. , 编. The Trials. Duke University Press. 2010: 164–198
Oppenheimer, Adam J.; Gladyshev, Eugene; Toepfer, John E.; Amato, George; Chase, Thomas & Caccone, Adalgisa. Genetic evaluation of a proposed introduction: