(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, June 19, 2009. Galloway, Joseph L. Vietnam story: The word was the Ia Drang would be a walk. The word was wrong. U
Unit Commendation)以及南越的英勇十字勳章(英语:GallantryCross (Vietnam))、非軍事行動獎章(英语:Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal)。在越南服役的173旅官兵們共獲授13枚榮譽勳章、32傑出服役十字勳章、1
冷戰(英语:Military decorations of the Cold War) 越南戰爭(英语:Awards and decorations of the Vietnam War) 美國軍事嘉獎裝置(英语:United States military award devices) 美國軍事徽章(英语:Military