年创作的Wohnton在故障音乐中增添了氛围音乐的审美趣味。 在音乐领域“glitch”一词的出现最早可以追溯到英国实验音乐团体Coil(当时名为ElpH)发行了作品Worship the Glitch(1995年)。另一典型案例是电子二人组在Autechre在1994年发行的专辑Amber,其中包含了名为Glitch的曲目。
K. Ghose / Tribals and Their Culture in Manipur and Nagaland, 1982 Raj Mohan Nath / The Background of Assamese Culture, 2nd edn, 1978 Sir G. A. Grierson
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Council of Europe Parliamentary Recommendation 1333 on the Aromanian culture and language (1997) UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in danger, UNESCO
Linguistic Studies Presented to André-G. Haudricourt (Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University). 1985. Huffman, Franklin. Ratanakul
Furlane (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Centri interdipartimentâl pe ricercje su la culture e la lenghe dal Friûl "Josef Marchet" Friulian version of Firefox browser