比利时教育(英语:EducationinBelgium)由各社群管理。在佛兰德,教育(荷兰语:Onderwijs in Vlaanderen)由弗拉芒社群主导,而在布鲁塞尔,教育由弗拉芒社群和法语社群共同主导。 安特卫普省学校列表(英语:List of schools in Antwerp) 东佛兰德省学校列表(英语:List
higher educationin Flanders/Belgium (in English) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Find an officially recognised programme of this institution in the Higher Education Register
University of Liège inBelgium to study medicine without any formal education required for the course. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1928. Devoted
Revisie van de documenten. Royal Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 1995. Dillenberger, Jane. Style and Content in Christian Art. 2nd Ed. New York: Crossroad
(2009). ‘The status of PISA in the relationship between civil society and the educational sector in French-speaking Belgium’, Sísifo Educational Sciences