lecture on the Morrison Formation. Geology of the (DinosaurNationalMonument) Quarry, from the National Park Service. Spatial distribution of Morrison in
他惡地地形常見區域有內布拉斯加州西北方奧格拉拉國家草原(英语:Oglala National Grassland)內的毒蕈地質公園。科羅拉多州和猶他州恐龍國家紀念區(英语:DinosaurNationalMonument)也屬於惡地地形。懷俄明州納特羅納縣也有一個小範圍的惡地 Hell's Half-Acre(英语:Hell's
(1994). "Koparion douglassi, a new dinosaur from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of DinosaurNationalMonument; the oldest troodontid (Theropoda:
(2000): A new species of Allosaurus from the Morrison Formation of DinosaurNationalMonument (UT–CO) and a revision of the theropod family Allosauridae. Unpublished