可攜式軟體列表 Live USB - 於隨身碟上執行的作業系統 移動硬碟 攜帶型媒體 磁碟加密軟體 U3(英语:U3 (software)) 快閃記憶體 Object of Interest: The Flash Drive. The New Yorker. [2018-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21)
Other "modular" proposals included Rodney Brook's subsumption architecture, object-oriented programming and others. Russell & Norvig 2003,第27, 55頁 This is
urban legend of the digital age. NSS Magazine. para. 6. 2022-04-30 [2022-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-04). Theis, Emma. Music & Memory: Music Therapy for People