邱奇兰斯高级中学 List of Western Australian Schools (PDF). Perth, WA: WA Department of Education (英语:Department of Education (Western Australia )), Government of Western
南澳州政府教育及兒童培育署(Department for Education and Child Development) 南澳選舉委員會(Electoral Commission of South Australia ) 環境自然資源及水務署(Department of Environment, Water and
聯邦教育部 of the Federated States of Micronesia) 阿根廷:阿根廷教育部(英语:Ministry of Education (Argentina)) 澳大利亞:澳大利亚教育部(英语:Department of Education (Australia )) 比利时
澳大利亚教育 education in Australia . Department of Education , Employment and Workplace Relations. [13 July 2010]. (原始内容存档于28 December 2010). Overview. Department
教育廳洋樓教育廳洋樓(英語:Department of Education Building)是一座被列入文物名錄的愛德華巴羅克建築風格的新南威爾斯州政府(英语:Government of New South Wales)行政樓宇,位於澳洲新南威爾斯州雪梨商業中心區必列治街。