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陸軍上將亨利·克林頓爵士,KB(General Sir Henry Clinton,1730年4月16日—1795年12月23日),英國陸軍將領及政治家,早年曾參與七年戰爭,1778年5月至1782年2月任北美英軍總司令,其間為美國獨立戰爭的英方最高指揮,在任期間曾經成功在1780年5月攻下革命軍重要據點查爾斯頓,俘虜敵軍5
in revolt: Tax resistance during the Great Depression. University of NorthCarolina Press. (1989) Brownlee, W. Elliot. Federal taxation in America: A short
the United States Constitution|Constitution came into force. President Clinton Raises FEMA Director to Cabinet Status (新闻稿). Feberal Emergency Management
manifest destiny and the coming of the American Civil War University of NorthCarolina Press, (1997) Nevins, Allan. Ordeal of the Union especially vol 1-4