dictionary of all Austrian Generals intheFrenchRevolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792–1815. The Napoleon Series, Robert Burnham, editor in chief. April
特雷比亞戰役發生於1799年6月17日至6月20日,由俄奧聯軍的指揮官蘇沃諾夫對抗法國的麥克唐納,結果由俄奧聯軍取得勝利。 Clodfelter 2017,第109頁. Broughton, Tony. Generals Who Served intheFrench Army during the Period
Sir Archibald, History of Europe from the commencement oftheFrench revolution in 1789, to the restoration ofthe Bourbons in 1815 IV Second, W. Blackwood