音樂史而是在歐洲北部,尤其是現時的法國中部及北部、荷兰及比利时包括在內的區域。勃艮第學派(英语:Burgundian School )作曲家的風格也称为第一代的福萊樂派(英语:Franco-Flemish_School ),是首個是對14世紀「精細藝術(英语:ars subtilior)」的極端复杂和重視礼风
法国文艺复兴此外在15世纪后期,勃艮第宫廷的音乐机构与法国宫廷和教会组织间存在着大量交流。勃艮第风格(英语:Burgundian School )催生了法兰克-佛拉芒式(英语:Franco-Flemish School )的复调音乐,后者在15世纪后期至16世纪初的欧洲乐坛中占主导地位。然而到了15世纪末,法兰西民
望遠鏡史Roget (died before 1624) - Historian Nick Pelling says Juan Roget, a Burgundian spectacle maker who died between 1617 and 1624 could have invented an
第一次世界大战Involvement in the First World War: Discrepancies between Public Discourses and School History Textbooks from 1916 to 1936". Journal of Educational Media, Memory
普法戰爭 Henry William. Illustrated by Thomas Nast. The Fight at Dame Europa's School . 维基文库. New York: Francis B. Felt. 1871. OCLC 504021110 . Daniels, Morna