维也纳之围when he reached Osijek on 6 August. The Ottoman Empire , p 50; Christopher Duffy suggests "Suleiman led an army of 125,000 Turks". Siege Warfare: Fortresses
奥斯曼帝国the Ottoman Army in the Balkans, 1912-1913, Edward J. Erickson, page 59 引用错误:没有为名为Strauss-2010的参考文献提供内容 H. İnalcık "The rise of the Ottoman Empire " in
桑贾克 Maps. Department of the Army . 1956 [2019-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-22) (英语). D. E. Pitcher. An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire : From Earliest
查尔迪兰战役曼帝國最終經過多場戰爭以及簽訂多紙條約後,成功得到這些地方的統治權,直到數個世紀後鄂圖曼帝國解體(英语:Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire )才失去對東部領地的掌控。 由於查爾迪蘭戰役的勝利,鄂圖曼帝國曾短暫控制了薩法維王朝西北部的領土。然而,這場戰鬥只是兩國長達41
奥斯曼帝国历史 H. Inaicik "The rise of the Ottoman Empire " in P.M. Holt, A.K. S. Lambstone, and B. Lewis (eds), The Cambridge History of Islam , (Cambridge University)