大攻勢of Dumlupınar),土耳其軍隊在四天就擊敗了希臘軍隊,為快速推進的可能奠定基礎。在穆斯塔法·凱末爾·阿塔圖克對大國民議會政府下達命令後,土耳其軍隊主力開始朝伊茲密爾進軍,其他軍隊則從埃斯基謝希爾開始朝布爾薩前進。後來希臘小亞細亞軍隊(英语:Army of Asia Minor
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尼古拉斯·普拉斯蒂拉斯 Infantry Colonel. The Minor Asia Campaign, Operation Angora, volume 5, part 1. Athens: Army History Directorate, Greek Army General Staff. 1965: 160
拜占庭帝國的衰落The Fall of Constantinople 1453. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965. Vryonis, Speros. The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the
亚美尼亚军区Ragia, Efi. The Geography of the Provincial Administration of the Byzantine Empire (ca 600-1200): I.1. The Apothekai of Asia Minor (7th-8th c.). Byzantine