,訊息在UTC2時10分至14分期間傳送了共6項故障報告及19項警告,其中包括皮托静压系统故障、大氣資料慣性基準系統(Air Data Inertial Reference Unit)故障導致自動駕駛系統以及自動節流閥關閉、空中防撞系統切換至故障模式、飛行控制規律切換至備用模式。2時10分,飛機傳送了一段包括飛機經緯度2°59′N
Their Air Force Commands. Washington Post. 2007-10-20 [2007-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-02). Pincus, Walter. Air Force Alters Rules for Handling of Nuclear
University of Science and Technology)存档于2008-03-09). AL-134: Handling and Storage of Air-Sensitive Reagents (PDF). Technical Bulletin. Sigma-Aldrich. [失效連結]
Searchwater radar, a new acoustic processor (GEC-Marconi AQS-901) capable of handling more modern sonobouys, a new mission data recorder (Hanbush) and a new