黃麻是最廉價的天然纖維之一,種植量和用途的廣泛都僅次於棉花。 它和洋麻、大麻、亞麻、苧麻等同樣屬於韌皮纖維(從植物內皮或外皮提取的纖維)。纖維的顏色從白色到褐色,長1–4 米。

適合種植黃麻的氣候為在盛行季風季節的季風氣候(溫暖,潮濕的氣候)。適宜的氣溫為20˚C至40˚C和相對濕度70%-80%。 :黃麻在播種期間需要比其他時期多5-8厘米/週的降雨。
圓果黃麻(學名:Corchorus capsularis),在中國稱作白黃麻。在幾個歷史記錄中指出,貧窮的印度村民穿用黃麻製成的衣服。用簡單的手搖紡織機和手紡車進行織布,將黃麻當成紡棉紗使用。歷史上還指出,孟加拉人從更早的時代,就把家庭和其他用途的白黃麻製成的繩索和細繩。
長蒴黃麻(學名:Corchorus olitorius) ,在中國稱作紅麻,是非洲 - 阿拉伯的品種和錦葵科的成員(跟棉花同一科)。他也是很受歡迎的葉用蔬菜,阿拉伯人稱為「molokhiya」([ملوخية]=「國王」的意思),其葉為成分跟秋葵黏滑的成分相似。 猶太人在約伯記提到長果黃麻也是一種稱作棣棠花(Jew's mallow)的蔬菜。

- 黃麻纖維可以100%進行生物分解和回收,對環境無害。
- 它是一種擁有黃金和絲綢光澤的天然纖維,因而被稱為「金色纖維」。
- 它是最便宜的植物纖維,取自植物的莖的內皮或外皮。
- 它在使用、全球消費量、生產和實用方面的重要性僅次於棉花的植物纖維。
- 它的抗張強度很高,延展性低,防水性能較好。因此,黃麻非常適合於大批量農產品的包裝。
- Basu, G., A. K. Sinha, and S. N. Chattopadhyay. "Properties of Jute Based Ternary Blended Bulked Yarns". Man-Made Textiles in India. Vol. 48, no. 9 (Sep. 2005): 350–353. (AN 18605324)
- Chattopadhyay, S. N., N. C. Pan, and A. Day. "A Novel Process of Dyeing of Jute Fabric Using Reactive Dye". Textile Industry of India. Vol. 42, no. 9 (Sep. 2004): 15–22. (AN 17093709)
- Doraiswamy, I., A. Basu, and K. P. Chellamani. "Development of Fine Quality Jute Fibres". Colourage. Nov. 6–8, 1998, 2p. (AN TDH0624047199903296)
- Kozlowski, R., and S. Manys. "Green Fibres". Textile Industry: Winning Strategies for the New Millennium—Papers Presented at the World Conference. Feb. 10–13, 1999: 29 (13p). (AN TDH0646343200106392)
- Madhu, T. "Bio-Composites—An Overview". Textile Magazine. Vol. 43, no. 8 (Jun. 2002): 49 (2 pp). (AN TDH0656367200206816)
- Maulik, S. R. "Chemical Modification of Jute". Asian Textile Journal. Vol. 10, no. 7 (Jul. 2001): 99 (8 pp). (AN TDH0648424200108473)
- Moses, J. Jeyakodi, and M. Ramasamy. "Quality Improvement on Jute and Jute Cotton Materials Using Enzyme Treatment and Natural Dyeing". Man-Made Textiles in India. Vol. 47, no. 7 (Jul. 2004): 252–255. (AN 14075527)
- Pan, N. C., S. N. Chattopadhyay, and A. Day. "Dyeing of Jute Fabric with Natural Dye Extracted from Marigold Flower". Asian Textile Journal. Vol. 13, no. 7 (Jul. 2004): 80–82. (AN 15081016)
- Pan, N. C., A. Day, and K. K. Mahalanabis. "Properties of Jute". Indian Textile Journal. Vol. 110, no. 5 (Feb. 2000): 16. (AN TDH0635236200004885)
- Roy, T. K. G., S. K. Chatterjee, and B. D. Gupta. "Comparative Studies on Bleaching and Dyeing of Jute after Processing with Mineral Oil in Water Emulsion vis-a-vis Self-Emulsifiable Castor Oil". Colourage. Vol. 49, no. 8 (Aug. 2002): 27 (5 pp). (AN TDH0657901200208350)
- Shenai, V. A. "Enzyme Treatment". Indian Textile Journal. Vol. 114, no. 2 (Nov. 2003): 112–113. (AN 13153355)
- Srinivasan, J., A. Venkatachalam, and P. Radhakrishnan. "Small-Scale Jute Spinning: An Analysis". Textile Magazine. Vol. 40, no. 4 (Feb. 1999): 29. (ANTDH0624005199903254)
- Vijayakumar, K. A., and P. R. Raajendraa. "A New Method to Determine the Proportion of Jute in a Jute/Cotton Blend". Asian Textile Journal, Vol. 14, no. 5 (May 2005): 70-72. (AN 18137355)
- International Jute Study Group (IJSG) Resources about Jute, Kenaf and Roselle Plants.
- Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Purdue University(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Some chemistry and medicinal information on Tossa Jute.
- International Jute Study Group (IJSG). A UN collaboration for learning various aspects of Jute and Kenaf. Its headquarter is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Bangladeshi Ministry of Jute and Textile (Jute Division). The ministry in Bangladesh directly concerned with jute.
- Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI)(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). The Institute in Bangladesh dedicated for jute research.
- Institute of Jute Technology, Kolkata, India. An institute for advanced research on jute and allied fibres.
- The Golden Fibre Trade Centre Limited (GFTCL) Commercial site used (with permission) as source and contributor for much of this article.
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