地球科學家 来自维基百科,自由的百科全书
真鍋淑郎(英語:Syukuro "Suki" Manabe、日語:眞鍋 淑郎/まなべ しゅくろう Manabe Shukurō ?,1931年9月21日—),愛媛縣宇摩郡新立村(現四國中央市)人,美國日裔[1]職業地球科學家,專長氣象學、氣候學[2]。現任普林斯頓大學高等研究員,美國國家科學院院士,日本學士院客座會員(院士)。2021年諾貝爾物理學獎得主之一。
歷時半世紀,真鍋淑郎畢生研究和開發基於計算機(超級電腦)的氣象模擬的氣象模型。他因建立了綜合氣象模型(真鍋模型)並使預測全球暖化成為可能而聞名。1989年,他構建了世界上第一個結合「大氣流動」和「海洋環流」的氣象模型(現稱為「真鍋模型」),並以電腦模擬了地球。他發表的論文『Assessing Temperature Pattern Projections made in 1989』是暖化領域的重量級研究成果,其指出北半球和南半球的全球暖化進程有差異,因為海洋深部具有積熱的特性。此外,地球溫度將隨著大氣中二氧化碳(CO2)含量的增加而升高(具體而言,當二氧化碳濃度增加一倍時,平均溫度升高2.3度。這是真鍋的計算結果),並以科學證據表明,人類的活動正在導致平均氣溫升高。
- Manabe, S., J. Smagorinsky, and R.F. Strickler, 1965: Simulated climatology of a general circulation model with a hydrologic cycle. Monthly Weather Review, 93(12), 769-798.
- Manabe, S., and R. T. Wetherald, 1967: Thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere with a given distribution of relative humidity. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 24 (3), 241-259.
- Manabe, S. and K. Bryan, 1969: Climate Calculation with a combined ocean-atmosphere model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 26(4), 786-789.
- Manabe, S. and R.T. Wetherald, 1975: The effect of doubling of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 32(1), 3-15.
- Stouffer,R.J., S. Manabe, and K. Bryan, 1989: Interhemispheric Asymmetry in climate response to a gradual increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Nature, 342,660-662.
- Manabe, S., R.J. Stouffer, M.J. Spelman, and K. Bryan, 1991: Transient response of coupled ocean-atmosphere model to gradual changes of atmospheric CO2. Part I: Annual mean response. Journal of climate, 4(8), 785-818.
- Manabe, S., M.J. Spelman, and R.J. Stouffer, 1992: Transient response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to gradual increase of atmospheric CO2. Part II: Seasonal response. Journal of climate, 5(2): 105-126.
- Manabe, S., and R. J. Stouffer, 1995: Simulation of abrupt climate change induced by freshwater input to the North Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 378, 165-167.
- Manabe, S., and R.J. Stouffer, 2000: Study of abrupt climate Change by a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19: 285-299.
- Manabe, S. and A. J. Broccili. 2020. Beyond Global Warming: How Numerical Models Revealed the Secrets of Climate Change. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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