暴力時期(西班牙語:La Violencia)是1948年—1958年哥倫比亞境內爆發的內戰,作戰雙方分別是哥倫比亞保守黨與哥倫比亞自由黨。 [1][2][3]
1948年4月9日,哥倫比亞自由黨政治人物豪爾赫·埃利塞爾·蓋坦被暗殺後, [4]波哥大爆發大規模騷亂,造成約5000人傷亡[4]。此時支持哥倫比亞保守黨的農民試圖奪取支持哥倫比亞自由黨的農民的土地,內戰爆發。 [4]
這一時期的內戰造成至少20萬人死亡,占當時哥倫比亞人口的近 2%。[5][6][7]
Stokes, Doug. America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia. Zed Books. 2005. ISBN 1-84277-547-2. Azcarate quotes a figure of 300,000 dead between 1948–1959...
Gutierrez, Pedro Ruz. Bullets, Bloodshed And Ballots. Orlando Sentinel. 31 October 1999. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-15). Political violence is not new to that South American nation of 38 million people. In the past 100 years, more than 500,000 Colombians have died in it. From the 'War of the Thousand Days,' a civil war at the turn of the century that left 100,000 dead, to a partisan clash between 1948 and 1966 that claimed nearly 300,000...
Bergquist, Charles; Robinson, David J. Colombia. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2005. Microsoft Corporation. 2005 [16 April 2006]. (原始內容存檔於2007-11-11). On April 9, 1948, Gaitán was assassinated outside his law offices, in downtown Bogotá. The assassination marked the start of a decade of bloodshed, called La Violencia (The Violence), which took the lives of an estimated 180,000 Colombians before it subsided in 1958.
Britannica, 15th edition, 1992 printing[頁碼請求]
Grenville, J.A.S. A History of the World in the 20th Century. 1994.[頁碼請求]