- Abitagua Alexander, 1944
- Acracantha Skuse, 1890
- Acutipula Alexander, 1924
- Aeshnasoma Johnson, 1909
- Afrodolichopeza Alexander, 1956
- Alcheringa Theischinger, 1994
- Alophroida Rondani, 1856
- Amalopinodes Alexander, 1950
- Anchimongoma Brunetti, 1918
- Angarotipula Savchenko, 1961
- Apeilesis Macquart, 1846
- Araucolimnophila Alexander, 1940
- Arctotipula Alexander, 1933
- Atopolimnophila Alexander, 1972
- Aurotipula Alexander, 1924
- Austrolimnobia Alexander, 1922
- Austromolophilus Theischinger, 1988
- Austrotipula Alexander, 1920
- Bellardina Edwards, 1931
- Beringotipula Savchenko, 1961
- Bistromolophilus Theischinger, 1999
- Brachypremna Osten Sacken, 1887
- Brevicera Miller, 1945
- Brithura Edwards, 1916
- Caenarthria Thomson, 1869
- Campbellomyia Alexander, 1925
- Ceratocheilus Wesché, 1910
- Ceratolimnobia Alexander, 1920
- Ceratostephanus Brunetti, 1911
- Cerezodia
- Cerozodia Westwood, 1835
- Chlorotipula Alexander, 1924
- Claduroides Brunetti, 1911
- Clytocosmus Skuse, 1890
- Cnemoncosis Enderlein, 1921
- Conithorax Brunetti, 1918
- Ctenerioptera Alexander, 1961
- Ctenogyna Macquart, 1838
- Ctenophora Meigen, 1803
- Cygnomyia Theischinger, 1994
- Dendrotipula Savchenko, 1961
- Dicranoptycha Coquillett, 1910
- Dictenidia Brulle, 1833
- Diplomolophilus Theischinger, 1992
- Doaneomyia Alexander, 1921
- Dolichopeza Curtis, 1825
- Elephantomyina Alexander, 1938
- Elnoretta Alexander, 1929
- Ephiphragma
- Esakiomyia Alexander, 1925
- Euamalopina Alexander, 1950
- Eucyphona Alexander, 1940
- Eudactylolabis Alexander, 1950
- Eudolichopeza Alexander, 1956
- Eufurina Alexander, 1946
- Euhexatoma Alexander, 1936
- Eumicrotipula Alexander, 1922
- Euramphidia
- Euteucholabis Alexander, 1947
- Euvaldiviana Alexander, 1981
- Furina Jaennicke, 1867
- Goniotipula Alexander, 1921
- Gonomyiella Kuntze, 1919
- Gonomyiella Meunier, 1899
- Gressittomyia Alexander, 1936
- Habrolimnophila Alexander, 1968
- Habromastix Skuse, 1890
- Hexamera Schilling, 1827
- Holorusia Loew, 1863
- Hoploerioptera Alexander, 1953
- Hovapeza Alexander, 1951
- Hovatipula Alexander, 1955
- Idiotipula Alexander, 1921
- Indolimnophila Alexander, 1968
- Indotipula Edwards, 1931
- Ischnotoma Skuse, 1890
- Kakatipula Alexander, 1971
- Keiseromyia Alexander, 1963
- Kowarzia Thalhammer, 1900
- Lasiolimonia Alexander, 1976
- Leiponeura Skuse, 1890
- Lepidocyphona Alexander, 1972
- Leptoarsus
- 瘦腹大蚊屬 Leptotarsus Guerin-Meneville, 1831
- Leptotipula Alexander, 1917
- Limnophilaspis Alexander, 1950
- Lipophragma Alexander, 1978
- Lunatipula Edwards, 1931
- Lyriomolophilus Theischinger, 1988
- Macgregoromyia Alexander, 1929
- Macquartia Zetterstedt, 1838
- Macromastix Osten-Sacken, 1886
- Macromastrix
- Macroptera Lioy, 1863
- Macrothorax Jaennicke, 1867
- Maekistocera Wiedemann, 1821
- Mammuthonasus Theischinger, 1994
- Manapsis Scudder, 1894
- Maoritipula Alexander, 1924
- Mediophragma Alexander, 1954
- Mediotipula Pierre, 1924
- Megalipophleps Alexander, 1971
- Megistocera Wiedemann, 1828
- Metalibnotes Alexander, 1972
- Metaula Alexander, 1950
- Microtipula Alexander, 1912
- Mitopeza Edwards, 1916
- Mongomioides Brunetti, 1911
- Monophilus
- Nealexandriaria
- Neolibnotes Alexander, 1972
- Neomongoma Alexander, 1919
- Neotipula Alexander, 1940
- Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803
- Nephrotomodes Alexander, 1946
- Nesciomyia Theischinger, 1994
- Neserioptera Alexander, 1956
- Nesopeza Alexander, 1914
- Nesormosia Alexander, 1923
- Nesotipula Alexander, 1921
- Nigrotipula Hutson & Vane-Wright, 1969
- Onychomolophilus Theischinger, 1992
- Orithea Meigen, 1800
- Orolimnophila Alexander, 1921
- Oromyia Alexander, 1913
- Oropeza Needham, 1908
- Ozodicera Macquart, 1834
- Pandamyia Theischinger, 1994
- Paragymnastes Alexander, 1922
- Paralibnotes Alexander, 1972
- Paraormosia Alexander, 1965
- Parepiphragma Alexander, 1960
- Pectinotipula Alexander, 1920
- Pehlkea Enderlein, 1912
- Pentacyphona Alexander, 1968
- Phacelodocera Enderlein, 1912
- Phoroctenia Coquillett, 1910
- Phragmocrypta Alexander, 1956
- Phymatopsis Skuse, 1890
- Pilaris
- Platyphasia Skuse, 1890
- Plesiomongoma Brunetti, 1918
- Plusiomyia Skuse, 1890
- Polymaria
- Prionocera Loew, 1844
- Prionota Van der Wulp, 1885
- Proantocha Alexander, 1919
- Procryptolabis Alexander, 1923
- Prohelius Alexander, 1975
- Promongoma Alexander, 1938
- Protanyptera Savchenko, 1973
- Pselliophora Osten Sacken, 1887
- Pseuderioptera Alexander, 1975
- Pterelachisus Rondani, 1842
- Ptilogyna Westwood, 1835
- Ptilostena Bergroth, 1913
- Ptilostenodes Alexander, 1931
- Ramagonomyia Alexander, 1968
- Ramatipula Alexander, 1971
- Sackeniella Meunier, 1895
- Scamboneura Osten Sacken, 1882
- Scepasma Enderlein, 1917
- Schummelia Edwards, 1931
- Semnotes Westwood, 1876
- Sinoropeza Alexander, 1935
- Sinotipula Alexander, 1935
- Sivagonomyia Alexander, 1968
- Sphaerionotus de Meijere, 1919
- Superbomolophilus Theischinger, 1988
- Taiwanita Alexander, 1929
- Tanypremna Osten Sacken, 1886
- Tanypremnella Alexander, 1938
- Tanyptera Latreille, 1804
- Tasiocerodes Alexander, 1957
- Teucherioptera Alexander, 1972
- 大蚊屬 Tipula Linnaeus, 1758
- Tipularia Weyenbergh, 1869
- Tipulodina Enderlein, 1912
- Tipunia Krzeminski & Ansorge, 1995
- Trentepholia
- Trentepobila
- Trichodolichopeza Alexander, 1917
- Tricholimnophila Alexander, 1928
- Trichomolophilus Alexander, 1936
- Valdiviana Alexander, 1929
- Vestiplex Bezzi, 1924
- Xenotipola
- Xenotipula Alexander, 1921
- Xipholimnobia Alexander, 1921
- Xiphuromorpha Savchenko, 1973
- Zelandotipula Alexander, 1922
- Identification
- Pierre C.,1924, Diptères: Tipulidae Faune de France n° 8 Bibliotheque Virtuelle Numerique Out of date but online at no cost. In French.
- R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Tipulidae). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects Vol 9 Part 2 i. pdf download manual Out of date but online at no cost
- J.F. McAlpine, B.V. Petersen, G.E. Shewell, H.J. Teskey, J.R. Vockeroth, D.M. Wood. Eds. 1987 Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 1 Research Branch Agriculture Canada, 1987 pdf key to Nearctic genera
- E. N. Savchenko Family Tipulidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition. Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision.
- Ohioline.osu.edu, Ohio State University Fact Sheet
- Family Tipulidae at EOL (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- IZ.carnegiemnh.org (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Crane Flies of Pennsylvania, Extensive Specimen Collection, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
- NLBIF.eti.uva.nl (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Catalog of Craneflies of the World
- Diptera.info (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Image Gallery
- BugGuide.net(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), photo gallery, many species
- Gaga.jes.mlc.edu.tw, Tipulidae of Taiwan (中文), with images under Latin binomials
- Insects.tamu.edu (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Texas A&M Entomology Field Guide