蒂莫西·詹姆斯·布魯克(英語:Timothy James Brook,1951年1月6日—),漢名卜正民,出生於加拿大安大略省多倫多市,畢業於多倫多大學、哈佛大學,是一位加拿大的漢學家。[1][2][3][4]
事实速览 卜正民 Timothy James Brook, 出生 ...
- Geographical Sources of Ming-Qing History. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1988. Second expanded edition, 2002.
- Quelling the People: The Military Suppression of the Beijing Democracy Movement. New York: Oxford University Press, Toronto: Lester Publishing, 1992; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.[10][11][12][13]
- Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China. Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1993.[15][16][17][18]
- (中文) 《為權力祈禱︰佛教與晚明中國士紳社會的形成》,南京:江蘇人民出版,2005
- The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.[19]
- (捷克文) Čtvero ročních dob dynastie Ming: Čína v období 1368-1644. Prague: Vyšehrad, 2003.
- (中文) 《縱樂的困惑:明代的商業與文化》,北京市,三聯書店,2004年。縱樂的困惑─明朝的商業與文化,臺北: 聯經, 2004
- (韓文) K'waerak ǔi hondon: Chungguk Myǒngdaeǔi sangǒp kwa munhwa. Seoul: Yeesan, 2005.
- (中文) 《通敵:二戰中國的日本特務與地方菁英》,臺北:遠流出版社,7.2015。《秩序的淪陷——抗戰初期的江南五城》,北京:商務印書館,10.2015
- The Chinese State in Ming Society. London: Routledge Curzon, 2005.[25][26]
- (中文) 《明代的社會與國家》,黃山書社,2009。北京:商務印書館,11.2014
- Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World. New York: Bloomsbury; Toronto: Penguin; London: Profile, 2008.[3][4]
- (法文) Le chapeau de Vermeer : Le XVIIe siècle à l'aube de la mondialisation. France: Payot, 2010.
- (中文) 《維梅爾的帽子:從一幅畫看十七世紀全球貿易》,臺北: 遠流,2009;《維梅爾的帽子~從一幅畫看全球化貿易的興起》,北京:文匯,2010
- Death by a Thousand Cuts, with Jérôme Bourgon and Gregory Blue. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008.[27][28]
- (中文) 《殺千刀~ 中西視野下的凌遲處死》,北京,商務印書館,2013
- The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010; Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2013.[29][30][31]
(中文) 《掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、社會與探源南海的元明史》,臺北:麥田出版社,4.2016
- Mr Selden's Map of China: The spice trade, a lost chart & the South China Sea, Profile Books, 9.2013
(中文) 《塞爾登先生的中國地圖:香料貿易、佚失的海圖與南中國海》,臺北:聯經出版社,9.2015;《塞爾登的中國地圖:重返東方大航海時代》,北京;中信出版社,9,2015
(中文) 《哈佛中國史 (全六冊)》,擔任本書主編,並撰寫第五卷:《掙扎的帝國:元與明》(即《掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、社會與探源南海的元明史》),北京;中信出版社,10,2016。原書名:History of Imperial China,哈佛大學出版,2009--2013。
- The Asiatic Mode of Production in China. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1989.[32]
- National Polity and Local Power: The Transformation of Late Imperial China, by Min Tu-ki. Co- edited with Philip Kuhn. Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1989.[33]
- Culture and Economy: The Shaping of Capitalism in Eastern Asia. Co-edited with Hy Van Luong. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997.[34]
- Civil Society in China. Co-edited with B. Michael Frolic. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1997.[35]
- China and Historical Capitalism: Genealogies of Sinological Knowledge. Co-edited with Gregory Blue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.[36]
- (中文) Zhongguo yu lishi zibenzhuyi: hanxue zhishi de xipuxue. Taipei: Chu liu tushu gongsi, 2004. Simplified character edition: Shanghai: Xinxing chubanshe, 2005. 中國與歷史資本主義~漢學知識的系譜學 ,臺北:巨流圖書, 2004; 北京: 新星, 2005
- Documents on the Rape of Nanking. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999.[37]
- (中文) Expanded Chinese translation: Nanjing datusha yingwen shiliao ji. Taibei: Shangwu yinshuguan, 2007.
- Nation Work: Asian Elites and National Identities. Co-edited with Andre Schmid. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000.[38]
- (中文) Minzu de goujian: Yazhou jingying ji qi minzu rentong, 2008. 民族的構建: 亞洲精英及其民族身份認同, 吉林出版集團, 2008
- Opium Regimes: China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952. Co-edited with Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000.[39]
鴉片政權~中國、英國和日本,1839-1952年, 黃山書社, 2009
- The History of Imperial China (6 vols). Cambridge: Harvard University Press (2008-). Editor-in-chief from 2008 to date.