

Template:Country data Kingdom of Prussia  普魯士王國
Template:Country data Kingdom of Bavaria  巴伐利亞王國
Template:Country data Württemberg  符騰堡王國
Template:Country data Kingdom of Saxony  薩克森王國


Template:Country data Grand Duchy of Baden  巴登大公國
Template:Country data Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin  梅克倫堡-什未林大公國
Template:Country data Grand Duchy of Hesse  黑森大公國
Template:Country data Oldenburg  奧爾登堡大公國
Template:Country data Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach  薩克森-魏瑪-愛森納赫
Template:Country data Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz  梅克倫堡-史特立茲大公國


Template:Country data Duchy of Anhalt  安哈爾特公國
Template:Country data Duchy of Brunswick  不倫瑞克公國
Template:Country data Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg  薩克森-阿爾滕堡
Template:Country data Saxe-Coburg and Gotha  薩克森-科堡-哥達
Template:Country data Saxe-Lauenburg  薩克森-勞恩堡
Template:Country data Saxe-Meiningen  薩克森-邁寧根


Template:Country data Principality of Lippe  利珀親王國
Template:Country data Principality of Reuss-Gera  羅伊斯-格拉親王國
Template:Country data Principality of Reuss-Greiz  羅伊斯-格賴茨親王國
Template:Country data Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe  紹姆堡-利珀親王國
Template:Country data Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt  施瓦茨堡-魯多爾施塔特
Template:Country data Schwarzburg-Sondershausen  施瓦茨堡-松德斯豪森
Template:Country data Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont  瓦爾代克和皮爾蒙特親王國


Template:Country data Hamburg  漢堡
Template:Country data Free City of Lübeck  呂貝克
Template:Country data Bremen  布萊梅


Template:Country data Alsace–Lorraine  亞爾薩斯-洛林

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