稠李亞屬(學名:Prunus subg. Padus)是李屬的一個亞屬,特徵為總狀花序,花瓣多為白色或沒有花瓣。原本的稠李屬(Padus)為多系群,和臭櫻屬(Maddenia)、桂櫻屬(Lauro-cerasus)、臀果木屬(Pygeum)交纏在一起。[1][2]有學者將這些舊屬合併為廣義的稠李亞屬。[3]
Quick Facts 稠李亞屬, 科學分類 ...
- 短梗稠李Prunus brachypoda
- 褐毛稠李Prunus brunnescens
- 橉木(布氏稠李)Prunus buergeriana
- 光萼稠李Prunus cornuta
- 灰葉稠李Prunus grayana
- 全緣葉稠李Prunus gyirongensis
- 粗梗稠李Prunus napaulensis
- 細齒稠李(台灣稠李)Prunus obtusata
- 稠李Prunus padus
- 宿鱗稠李Prunus perulata
- 晚花稠李Prunus serotina
- 日本稠李Prunus ssiori
- 星毛稠李Prunus stellipila
- 氈毛稠李Prunus velutina
- 北美稠李Prunus virginiana
- 絹毛稠李Prunus wilsonii
- 福建假稠李Prunus funjianensis
- 貢山臭櫻Prunus gongshanensis
- 喜馬拉雅臭櫻Prunus himalayana
- 臭櫻(銳齒臭櫻)Prunus hypoleuca
- 四川臭櫻(華西臭櫻)Prunus hypoxantha
- 廣葉桂櫻Prunus amplifolia
- 冬青葉桂櫻Prunus aquifolioides
- 南方桂櫻Prunus austrosinensis
- 美國桂櫻Prunus caroliniana
- 長葉桂櫻Prunus dolichophylla
- 華南桂櫻Prunus fordiana
- 毛背桂櫻Prunus hypotricha
- 冬青葉櫻桃Prunus ilicifolia
- 全葉桂櫻Prunus integrifolia
- 爪哇桂櫻Prunus javanica
- 堅核桂櫻Prunus jenkinsii
- 桂櫻Prunus laurocerasus
- 葡萄牙桂櫻Prunus lusitanica
- 全緣桂櫻Prunus marginata
- 勐海桂櫻Prunus menghaiensis
- 西印度桂櫻Prunus myrtifolia
- 長圓桂櫻Prunus oblonga
- 欖葉桂櫻Prunus oleifolia
- 腺葉桂櫻(黑星櫻、墨點櫻桃)Prunus phaeosticta
- 雲南桂櫻Prunus pygeoides
- 刺葉桂櫻Prunus spinulosa
- 圖庫曼桂櫻Prunus tucumanensis
- 尖葉桂櫻Prunus undulata
- 大葉桂櫻(黃土樹)Prunus zippeliana
- 非洲臀果木Prunus africana
- 大臀果木Prunus arborea[10][11]
- 高山臀果木Prunus arborea var. alticola
- 毛房臀果木Prunus arborea var. densa
- 臀果木(雲南臀果木、疏花臀果木、西南臀果木、大葉臀果木)Prunus arborea var. montana
- 粗壯臀果木Prunus arborea var. robusta
- 托葉臀果木Prunus arborea var. stipulacea
- 錫蘭臀果木Prunus ceylanica
- 肋葉臀果木Prunus costata
- 厚葉臀果木Prunus crassifolia
- 長序臀果木Prunus dolichobotrys
- 加澤爾半島臀果木Prunus gazelle-peninsulae
- 蘭嶼臀果木(蘭嶼野櫻花)Prunus grisea
- 披針葉臀果木Prunus lancilimba
- 馬來亞臀果木Prunus malayana
- 少花臀果木Prunus oligantha
- 卵圓臀果木Prunus oocarpa
- 多序臀果木Prunus polystachya
- 華萊士臀果木Prunus wallaceana
Zhao, Liang; Jiang, Xi-Wang; Zuo, Yun-juan; Liu, Xiao-Lin; Chin, Siew-Wai; Haberle, Rosemarie; Potter, Daniel; Chang, Zhao-Yang; Wen, Jun. Sun, Genlou , 編. Multiple events of allopolyploidy in the evolution of the racemose lineages in Prunus (Rosaceae) based on integrated evidence from nuclear and plastid data. PLOS ONE. 2016-06-13, 11 (6): e0157123. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 4905661 . PMID 27294529. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157123 (英語).
Su, Na; Liu, Bin-bin; Wang, Jun-ru; Tong, Ru-chang; Ren, Chen; Chang, Zhao-yang; Zhao, Liang; Potter, Daniel; Wen, Jun. On the species delimitation of the Maddenia group of Prunus (Rosaceae): Evidence from plastome and nuclear sequences and morphology. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 12. ISSN 1664-462X. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.743643/full.