1981年7月29日,查爾斯王子戴安娜·斯賓塞女勳爵的婚禮賓客名單包括來自世界各地的許多王室成員、共和黨國家元首以及新娘和新郎的家庭成員。由於查爾斯王子是英國王位的繼承人,該活動自動被視為「國事」,正式需要許多外國國家元首的邀請;此外,32歲還是單身漢的王子與20歲的戴安娜王妃的婚禮也引起了全世界的關注。婚禮在倫敦聖保羅大教堂舉行,賓客名單包括3,500人。[1][2] [3][4][5][6]





鮑斯-萊昂家族(英語:Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne)

Relatives of the bride

Spencer family(英語:Earl Spencer (peerage))

  • 第八代斯賓塞伯爵約翰·斯賓塞斯賓塞伯爵夫人蘭妮·斯賓塞英語Raine Spencer, Countess Spencer,新娘父親及繼母[2]
  • Lady Anne and Captain Christopher Wake-Walker, the bride's paternal aunt and uncle
    • Mrs and Mr Anthony Duckworth-Chad, the bride's first cousin and her husband
    • Mr and Mrs David Wake-Walker, the bride's first cousin and his wife
    • Mr and Mrs Richard Wake-Walker, the bride's first cousin and his wife
    • The Major Michael Wake-Walker, the bride's first cousin
    • Mrs and the Major Charles MacFarlane, the bride's first cousin and her husband
  • Captain the Hon. George Spencer, the bride's paternal great-uncle
    • Mr Robert Spencer, the bride's first cousin, once removed
  • Lady Margaret Douglas-Home英語Lady Margaret Douglas-Home, the bride's paternal great-aunt

Roche family(英語:Baron Fermoy)







  • 澳大利亞 Sir Zelman Cowen英語Sir Zelman Cowen, Governor-General of Australia, and Lady Cowen
  • 巴哈馬 Sir Gerald Cash英語Gerald Cash, Governor-General of the Bahamas, and Lady Cash
  • 巴巴多斯 Sir Deighton Lisle Ward英語Deighton Lisle Ward, Governor-General of Barbados, and Lady Ward
  • 加拿大 Mr Edward Schreyer英語Edward Schreyer, Governor-General of Canada, and Mrs Schreyer英語Lily Schreyer
  • 斐濟自治領 Ratu Sir George Cakobau英語Ratu Sir George Cakobau, Governor-General of Fiji, and Lady Cakobau
  • 格林納達 Sir Paul Scoon英語Sir Paul Scoon, Governor-General of Grenada, and Lady Scoon
  • 牙買加 Sir Florizel Glasspole英語Florizel Glasspole, Governor-General of Jamaica, and Lady Glasspole
  • 毛里求斯 Sir Dayendranath Burrenchobay英語Dayendranath Burrenchobay, Governor-General of Mauritius, and Lady Burenchobay
  • 新西蘭 Sir David Beattie英語David Beattie, Governor-General of New Zealand, and Lady Beattie
  • 巴布亞新幾內亞 Sir Tore Lokoloko英語Tore Lokoloko, Governor-General of Papua New Guinea, and Lady Lokoloko
  • 所羅門群島 Sir Baddeley Devesi英語Sir Baddeley Devesi, Governor-General of the Solomon Islands, and Lady Devesi
  • 聖文森特和格林納丁斯 Sir Sydney Gun-Munro英語Sir Sydney Gun-Munro, Governor-General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines



  • Carolyn Pride, bride’s former flatmate & friend
  • Anne Bolton, bride’s former flatmate & friend
  • Virginia Pittman, bride’s former flatmate & friend
  • 莎拉·弗格森,新娘好友
  • Mary Robertson, bride’s former employer with her son Patrick
  • Kay King, bride’s former co-worker
  • 卡米拉·帕克·鮑爾斯,新郎好友,以及卡米拉之子湯姆·帕克·鮑爾斯(新郎教子)



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