
Quick Facts 科學分類, 亞科 ...
化石時期:白堊紀早期至今[1]126–0 Ma
Tipula maxima,廣泛分布於歐洲
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 雙翅目 Diptera
亞目: 長角亞目 Nematocera
下目: 大蚊下目 Tipulomorpha
總科: 大蚊總科 Tipuloidea
科: 大蚊科 Tipulidae
Latreille英語Pierre André Latreille, 1802
  • 櫛大蚊亞科 Ctenophorinae
  • 長大蚊亞科 Dolichopezinae
  • 大蚊亞科 Tipulinae
  • 亮大蚊亞科 Limoniinae



  • Abitagua Alexander, 1944
  • Acracantha Skuse, 1890
  • Acutipula Alexander, 1924
  • Aeshnasoma Johnson, 1909
  • Afrodolichopeza Alexander, 1956
  • Alcheringa Theischinger, 1994
  • Alophroida Rondani, 1856
  • Amalopinodes Alexander, 1950
  • Anchimongoma Brunetti, 1918
  • Angarotipula Savchenko, 1961
  • Apeilesis Macquart, 1846
  • Araucolimnophila Alexander, 1940
  • Arctotipula Alexander, 1933
  • Atopolimnophila Alexander, 1972
  • Aurotipula Alexander, 1924
  • Austrolimnobia Alexander, 1922
  • Austromolophilus Theischinger, 1988
  • Austrotipula Alexander, 1920
  • Bellardina Edwards, 1931
  • Beringotipula Savchenko, 1961
  • Bistromolophilus Theischinger, 1999
  • Brachypremna Osten Sacken, 1887
  • Brevicera Miller, 1945
  • Brithura Edwards, 1916
  • Caenarthria Thomson, 1869
  • Campbellomyia Alexander, 1925
  • Ceratocheilus Wesché, 1910
  • Ceratolimnobia Alexander, 1920
  • Ceratostephanus Brunetti, 1911
  • Cerezodia
  • Cerozodia Westwood, 1835
  • Chlorotipula Alexander, 1924
  • Claduroides Brunetti, 1911
  • Clytocosmus Skuse, 1890
  • Cnemoncosis Enderlein, 1921
  • Conithorax Brunetti, 1918
  • Ctenerioptera Alexander, 1961
  • Ctenogyna Macquart, 1838
  • Ctenophora Meigen, 1803
  • Cygnomyia Theischinger, 1994
  • Dendrotipula Savchenko, 1961
  • Dicranoptycha Coquillett, 1910
  • Dictenidia Brulle, 1833
  • Diplomolophilus Theischinger, 1992
  • Doaneomyia Alexander, 1921
  • Dolichopeza Curtis, 1825
  • Elephantomyina Alexander, 1938
  • Elnoretta Alexander, 1929
  • Ephiphragma
  • Esakiomyia Alexander, 1925
  • Euamalopina Alexander, 1950
  • Eucyphona Alexander, 1940
  • Eudactylolabis Alexander, 1950
  • Eudolichopeza Alexander, 1956
  • Eufurina Alexander, 1946
  • Euhexatoma Alexander, 1936
  • Eumicrotipula Alexander, 1922
  • Euramphidia
  • Euteucholabis Alexander, 1947
  • Euvaldiviana Alexander, 1981
  • Furina Jaennicke, 1867
  • Goniotipula Alexander, 1921
  • Gonomyiella Kuntze, 1919
  • Gonomyiella Meunier, 1899
  • Gressittomyia Alexander, 1936
  • Habrolimnophila Alexander, 1968
  • Habromastix Skuse, 1890
  • Hexamera Schilling, 1827
  • Holorusia Loew, 1863
  • Hoploerioptera Alexander, 1953
  • Hovapeza Alexander, 1951
  • Hovatipula Alexander, 1955
  • Idiotipula Alexander, 1921
  • Indolimnophila Alexander, 1968
  • Indotipula Edwards, 1931
  • Ischnotoma Skuse, 1890
  • Kakatipula Alexander, 1971
  • Keiseromyia Alexander, 1963
  • Kowarzia Thalhammer, 1900
  • Lasiolimonia Alexander, 1976
  • Leiponeura Skuse, 1890
  • Lepidocyphona Alexander, 1972
  • Leptoarsus
  • 瘦腹大蚊屬 Leptotarsus Guerin-Meneville, 1831
  • Leptotipula Alexander, 1917
  • Limnophilaspis Alexander, 1950
  • Lipophragma Alexander, 1978
  • Lunatipula Edwards, 1931
  • Lyriomolophilus Theischinger, 1988
  • Macgregoromyia Alexander, 1929
  • Macquartia Zetterstedt, 1838
  • Macromastix Osten-Sacken, 1886
  • Macromastrix
  • Macroptera Lioy, 1863
  • Macrothorax Jaennicke, 1867
  • Maekistocera Wiedemann, 1821
  • Mammuthonasus Theischinger, 1994
  • Manapsis Scudder, 1894
  • Maoritipula Alexander, 1924
  • Mediophragma Alexander, 1954
  • Mediotipula Pierre, 1924
  • Megalipophleps Alexander, 1971
  • Megistocera Wiedemann, 1828
  • Metalibnotes Alexander, 1972
  • Metaula Alexander, 1950
  • Microtipula Alexander, 1912
  • Mitopeza Edwards, 1916
  • Mongomioides Brunetti, 1911
  • Monophilus
  • Nealexandriaria
  • Neolibnotes Alexander, 1972
  • Neomongoma Alexander, 1919
  • Neotipula Alexander, 1940
  • Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803
  • Nephrotomodes Alexander, 1946
  • Nesciomyia Theischinger, 1994
  • Neserioptera Alexander, 1956
  • Nesopeza Alexander, 1914
  • Nesormosia Alexander, 1923
  • Nesotipula Alexander, 1921
  • Nigrotipula Hutson & Vane-Wright, 1969
  • Onychomolophilus Theischinger, 1992
  • Orithea Meigen, 1800
  • Orolimnophila Alexander, 1921
  • Oromyia Alexander, 1913
  • Oropeza Needham, 1908
  • Ozodicera Macquart, 1834
  • Pandamyia Theischinger, 1994
  • Paragymnastes Alexander, 1922
  • Paralibnotes Alexander, 1972
  • Paraormosia Alexander, 1965
  • Parepiphragma Alexander, 1960
  • Pectinotipula Alexander, 1920
  • Pehlkea Enderlein, 1912
  • Pentacyphona Alexander, 1968
  • Phacelodocera Enderlein, 1912
  • Phoroctenia Coquillett, 1910
  • Phragmocrypta Alexander, 1956
  • Phymatopsis Skuse, 1890
  • Pilaris
  • Platyphasia Skuse, 1890
  • Plesiomongoma Brunetti, 1918
  • Plusiomyia Skuse, 1890
  • Polymaria
  • Prionocera Loew, 1844
  • Prionota Van der Wulp, 1885
  • Proantocha Alexander, 1919
  • Procryptolabis Alexander, 1923
  • Prohelius Alexander, 1975
  • Promongoma Alexander, 1938
  • Protanyptera Savchenko, 1973
  • Pselliophora Osten Sacken, 1887
  • Pseuderioptera Alexander, 1975
  • Pterelachisus Rondani, 1842
  • Ptilogyna Westwood, 1835
  • Ptilostena Bergroth, 1913
  • Ptilostenodes Alexander, 1931
  • Ramagonomyia Alexander, 1968
  • Ramatipula Alexander, 1971
  • Sackeniella Meunier, 1895
  • Scamboneura Osten Sacken, 1882
  • Scepasma Enderlein, 1917
  • Schummelia Edwards, 1931
  • Semnotes Westwood, 1876
  • Sinoropeza Alexander, 1935
  • Sinotipula Alexander, 1935
  • Sivagonomyia Alexander, 1968
  • Sphaerionotus de Meijere, 1919
  • Superbomolophilus Theischinger, 1988
  • Taiwanita Alexander, 1929
  • Tanypremna Osten Sacken, 1886
  • Tanypremnella Alexander, 1938
  • Tanyptera Latreille, 1804
  • Tasiocerodes Alexander, 1957
  • Teucherioptera Alexander, 1972
  • 大蚊屬 Tipula Linnaeus, 1758
  • Tipularia Weyenbergh, 1869
  • Tipulodina Enderlein, 1912
  • Tipunia Krzeminski & Ansorge, 1995
  • Trentepholia
  • Trentepobila
  • Trichodolichopeza Alexander, 1917
  • Tricholimnophila Alexander, 1928
  • Trichomolophilus Alexander, 1936
  • Valdiviana Alexander, 1929
  • Vestiplex Bezzi, 1924
  • Xenotipola
  • Xenotipula Alexander, 1921
  • Xipholimnobia Alexander, 1921
  • Xiphuromorpha Savchenko, 1973
  • Zelandotipula Alexander, 1922




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