麦里梭(Melissus,公元前5世纪),古希腊哲学家,爱利亚学派。他是巴门尼德的学生。 此条目可参照英语维基百科和俄语维基百科相应条目来扩充,其中部分条目在对应语言版为高品质条目。 (2010年1月20日)事实速览 萨摩斯的麦里梭, 出生 ...萨摩斯的麦里梭An illustration of Melissus of Samos from the Nuremberg Chronicle出生萨摩斯岛时代古代哲学地区西方哲学学派爱利亚学派主要领域形而上学著名思想无限, 对实在持一元论观点 受影响于 巴门尼德 关闭 资料 Primary Aetius, Fragments Aristocles, Fragments Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers John Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics Tzetzes, Chiliades Plutarch, Life of Pericles Plutarch, Life of Themistocles Pseudo-Aristotle, On Melissus, Xenophanes and Gorgias Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle's On Heaven Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics Secondary Baird, Forrest E. and Walter Kaufmann, Ancient Philosophy, 4th Ed., Philosophic Classics, Volume I. Prentice Hall, 2003. Barnes, Jonathan, The Presocratic Philosophers. Routledge, New York, 1982. Diels, Hermann and Walter Kranz, Die Fragmente Der Vorsokratiker, 3rd Ed, 7th Ed. Berlin: Weidmann, 1954. Kirk, G.S., J.E. Raven and M. Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2004. Makin, Stephen, "Melissus and his opponents : the argument of DK 30 B 8", Phronesis 2005 50 (4), pp. 263–288. McKirahan, Richard D., Philosophy before Socrates, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994. Rapp, Christof, "Zeno and the Eleatic anti-pluralism", La costruzione del discorso filosofico, pp. 161–182. Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.