链韵(英语:Chain rhyme)是一种连接各诗节韵法,它将一个诗节中的押韵延续至下一诗节。

许多诗歌形式都将链韵作为诗歌结构的重要组分。例如在意大利三行体英语Terza rima中,三行体英语Tercet的韵法遵循 ABA BCB CDC。另一案例是古典维雷莱英语Virelai体,韵法为 AABAAB BBCBBC CCDCCD。

其它诗歌形式也可能使用到链韵,例如四行诗的韵法可以为:AABA BBCB CCDC。

在世界文学中也可见到链韵的身影。例如在波斯语诗歌形式鲁拜集中,四行诗使用了AABA的韵法。罗伯特·弗罗斯特改编自鲁拜集的诗歌《雪夜林边小驻》使用了 AABA BBCB CCDC DDDD 的链韵。




以下两个示例出自 William T. Dobson 的《诗意的天才与怪癖》(有关这些示例的来源,请参见此处页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)文本)


Nerve thy soul with doctrines noble,

Noble in the walks of time,

Time that leads to an eternal,

An eternal life sublime.

Life sublime in moral beauty,

Beauty that shall never be;

Ever be to lure thee onward,

Onward to the fountain free.

Free to every earnest seeker,

Seeker for the fount of youth;

Youth exultant in its beauty,

Beauty of the living truth.


无题诗 - 约翰·拜伦英语John Byrom

My spirit longeth for thee

Within my troubled breast,

Although I be unworthy

Of so divine a guest.

Of so divine a guest,

Unworthy though I be

Yet has my heart no rest,

Unless it comes from thee.

Unless it comes from thee

In vain I look around,

In all that I can see,

No rest is to be found.

No rest is to be found

But in thy blessed love,

Oh let my wish be crowned,

And send it from above.

这首诗的整体韵法为 ABAB BABA ACAC CDCD,此外每一诗节末行被复用至下一诗节首行。这种诗歌形式也出现在其它语言中,例如著名的法文歌曲《三只小猫》就使用了链韵。


  • Bradley, A. (2009). Book of rhymes: The poetics of hip hop. New York: Basic civitas books pp 75–78.
  • Preminger, A. & Warnke, F.J. & Hardison, O.B. (1965). Princeton encyclopedia of    poetry and poetics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
  • George Lansing Raymond (2008). Rhythm and harmony in poetry and music. Dyson Press.
  • William T. Dobson Poetical ingenuities and eccentricities, London, 1882
  • James C. Parsons English versification for the use of students, Boston, 1891

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