笛卡儿坐标系 地平坐標系 天頂 For an example of identification of the y-axis with the vertical, and the x-axis with the horizontal, see G.S.Rehill's Interactive Maths
是斜率, b {\displaystyle b\,\!} 是y-截距,即函數的圖形與y-軸(英语:y-axis)相交的y-坐標(英语:y-coordinate)。改變斜率 k {\displaystyle k\,\!} 會使直線更陡峭或平緩。改變y-截距 b {\displaystyle b\,\!} 會將直線向上或下平移。
print(f"Y={y} and the point is on the y-axis.") case Point(x=x, y=0): print(f"X={x} and the point is on the x-axis.") case Point(): print("The point is