Priesthood in the CatholicChurch)給予根據教會法未被視為已婚的夫妻(英语:Marriage in the CatholicChurch)祝福,包括對同性關係中的個人(英语:Priesthood in the CatholicChurch)進行祝福(英语:Priesthood
Catechism of the CatholicChurch, #1536–1600 "The Apostolic Priesthood," (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
Orthodox Church Canonical) 安提阿大公宗徒教会牧首(Patriarch of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch) 美国正统大公教会牧首(Patriarch of the American Orthodox CatholicChurch) 耶路撒冷会牧首(Patriarch
a valid priesthood. Given the priesthood, it is held that valid Sacraments unite in spite of schisms. Those who hold it assume that the Church is composed