第65頁至第66頁 [2012年4月21日查閱]. ISBN 978-0-7603-1401-2 (英文). Christian Wiktor. Multilateral Treaty Calendar:Repertoire des Trait Es Multilat Eraux, 1648-1995 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
University Press. 2003: 15, 59–61, 194. ISBN 978 -0-7735-2584-9. Canada and Multilateral Operations in Support of Peace and Stability. National Defence and the
Diachronica 20, 373-377. Kessler, Brett and A. Lehtonen. 2006. "Multilateralcomparison and significance testing of the Indo-Uralic question (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)