(原始内容存档于2022-03-16) (俄语). Chaturvedi, Amit. Explained: What Does The "Z" Symbol On Russian Military Vehicles Mean. NDTV. 2022-03-07 [2022-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-07)
KULA OÜGÜN GELENEKLERi (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Ege University. Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity. UNESCO. [24 November 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-01). Cohen,
from this column overall. 1 guy forgot to cover up his unit's tactical symbol though at 0:22. Fuzzy but looks most like 68th Tank Regiment of 150th Motorized
國家象徵中的宗教元素時常出現在國歌與國旗中,由於國家標誌都是由政府當局所認可,因而讓一些世俗國家引起了關於政教分離的爭議。 宗教符號(英语:Religious symbol) 法國關於學校世俗性和顯眼宗教標誌的法律(英语:French law on secularity and conspicuous religious