Directors. 注意:不是中国区的“贝宝” 尚有一部分未完成翻译:Weebly supports visitor statistics tracking through its own tracking tool or Google Analytics. Maryanne Murray Buechner
about the browsed pages to the servers hosting the objects (see webvisitortracking). 大多数网页浏览器都将直接根据网页指示来获取图像。 嵌入式图像可能以此作为一个网络信标来跟踪用户或将信息传递给第三方。有许多广告过滤工具可不同程度地限制此类行为。
Health Affairs web exclusive, February 2008 John E. Wennberg, Elliott S. Fisher, David C. Goodman, and Jonathan S. Skinner, "Tracking the Care of Patients