Disclosure: Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 32): yet another (trivial) UAC bypass resp. privilege escalation. seclists.org. [2020-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-08)
that people believe a statement about their personality that is vague or trivial if they think that it derives from some systematic procedure tailored especially
流行的C++编译器通过将父类的字段和子类的字段并置来实现单继承,但是这并不被标准所需求。这种布局的选择使得将父类的指针指向子类的操作是平凡的(trivial)。 例如,考虑: class P { int x; }; class C : public P { int y; }; 一个P的实例和P* p指向它,在内存中可能看起来像这样: