褚靜濤. 二二八事件研究 下卷. 海峽學術出版社. 2011. ISBN 978-986-6480-49-2. 杜爾曼·德丁(英语:F. TillmanDurdin). FORMOSA KILLINGS ARE PUT AT 10,000; Foreigners Say the Chinese Slaughtered
Anatomy of an Atrocity (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2000), 66-68. F. TillmanDurdin, "Japanese Atrocities Marked Fall of Nanking," New York Times, January
Readex. F. TillmanDurdin. ALL CAPTIVES SLAIN; Civilians Also Killed as the Japanese Spread Terror in Nanking. 紐約時報. 1937-12-18. F. TillmanDurdin. Japanese